Israeli journalist Amira Hass is outraged:
"Of all the Israeli methods of removing Palestinians from their land in order to allocate it to Jews from Israel and the Diaspora, the policy of water deprivation is the cruelest. And these are the main points of this policy: Israel does not recognize the right of all the human beings living under its control to equal access to water and to quantities of water. On the contrary. It believes in the right of the Jews as lords and masters to far greater quantities of water than the Palestinians. It controls the water sources everywhere in the country, including in the West Bank. It carries out drilling in the West Bank and draws water in the occupied territory, and transfers most of it to Israel and the settlements." For more:
Opinion//Under Israeli Occupation, Water is a Luxury
Water pipes cut by the Israeli military in the village of Khalet al-Daba, February 17, 2019. Photo Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz