Annual Harvard Graduation Standout

The Square was teeming with happy graduates, their families, friends and faculty on what turned out to be a perfect afternoon. Enter 26 devoted Palestinian advocates with signs and leaflets explaining the deplorable situation in Gaza and the West Bank. Water is a Human Right and Israel deprives Palestinians that basic right on a daily basis in myriad ways.   

98% of Palestinian water is unfit to drink and the Strip is deemed to be uninhabitable next year.

We gave out 800 flyers.  Most of the people we spoke with were interested and many thanked us for being there.  Of course, there were the others, the ones that won’t look at you and the ones that say, “I’m good,” and one or two threatening folk, but what would a demonstration be without the whole contingent? We were joined in our efforts by a very lovely and competent leafleteer who is 11 years old.  She approached the passer-bys with confidence and charm.  I hope long before she reaches her grandma’s age she will not need to be out there.  In Shallah!!

Susan Etscovitz
